We do restoration of outdoor bronze sculpture and other art objects, replace missing parts and re-patine discolored surfaces damaged by corrosion.
Our conservator, Isabel M.P. Coryat, began her training in metal finishing and patination at the Johnson Atelier in 1978-1979. Her mentor, Ronald D. Young, who was Assistant Executive Director of the Johnson Atelier at the time, is a master patineur, artist, teacher, author and authority on foundry practices especially the arcane art/science of patination. Her background in painting and her acute sensitivity for coloration have allowed her rise to the top of her profession.
Ms. Coryat has made a specialty of restoring outdoor bronze statuary. She is available for consultation, to perform condition assessments, recommend conservation treatments and supervise the restoration of bronze sculpture.
Gen. Nicholas Herkimer by Burr C. Miller (1906) Myers Park, Herkimer N.Y.
Restored in July 2002.
Gen. Francis Spinner by H.J. Ellicott (1894). Located in Myers Park, Herkimer N.Y. Restored in July 2002.
"Soldiers & Sailors" Civil War Monument by Casper Buberl, 1890.
Located at Veterans Memorial Park, in front of City Hall, Kingston, NY.
Restored in 2000.
"The Flag Bearer" by Edwin E. Codman. Civil War Memorial, Hillsdale N.Y.
Restored in June/July 2000.
"Doughboy" by Allen G. Newman. (1920-1921) 11' x 30" x 30". Located in Rhinebeck, NY. Restored in 1999.
"Patriotism" by Byron Pickett. Height 11 ft. Located at the Old Dutch Church, Kingston, NY. Restored in 1996.
Other Restoration and Preservation Links
Coryat Casting Company Inc., 3346 Rt. 9G Rhinebeck NY, 12572.
Tel: (845) 876-2553; Fax: (845) 876-0783.